Bala Bites (1/24/25): NAC

Bala Bites (1/24/25): NAC

NAC Can Help Reduce Flu Symptoms

As flu season ramps up, I always try to provide some remedies that are science-backed or backed by generations of practice (ginger tea anyone?). 

One I haven't talked about is NAC. 

NAC could be your secret weapon this flu season. 


It's gaining attention for its potential to reduce the severity of flu symptoms.

It’s no cure-all, but the science behind it is fascinating and worth exploring.

NAC is short for N-Acetyl Cysteine. 

It is a supplement that serves as a precursor to glutathione, one of your body’s most powerful antioxidants.

Glutathione is like a detox superhero, fighting off oxidative stress and inflammation. 

When the flu strikes, your body can get overwhelmed by oxidative stress, which contributes to inflammation and fatigue.

With the right dosage, NAC: 

  • helps restore balance by boosting glutathione levels, which doesn’t just make you feel better—it can help your body handle the virus more effectively
  • is a mucolytic, which means it helps break down and thin music, which makes it easier for your body to clear out congestion and expel virus-laden secretions
  • reduces inflammation and is thought to be antiviral.

Why pay attention to this? Just look at this Axios graph on the prevalence of the flu.  

NAC is backed by a landmark study that showed it significantly reduced the chance of experiencing full-blown symptoms.

While 79% of those in the placebo group felt sick, only 25% of those taking NAC did.

This suggests that if you catch the flu, NAC can make it much more manageable.

It could be a great addition to your winter wellness toolkit.

An extra layer of defense this flu addition to a healthy, nutrient-dense diet. 

NAC is considered to be generally safe, with a typical dose being 600 mg twice daily.


  • NAC boosts glutathione, your body’s detox superhero, helping to reduce inflammation and fight oxidative stress during illness.
  • It thins mucus and clears congestion, making it easier to expel flu-related gunk and breathe better.
  • Studies show NAC can reduce flu severity, with only 25% of NAC users experiencing full-blown symptoms compared to 79% in the placebo group.
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